University of Virginia Library


Group Requests History Society

A group is currently
petitioning for a chapter of Phi
Alpha Theta, the national
history honor society.

All students interested in
being considered for
membership should submit
their name, address and current
school year to the History
Club. A list of history courses
taken with grades and a $12
check made out to the History
Club must also be submitted.

Undergraduate students
must have a 3.1 average in at
least 12 hours of history
courses. Graduate students
must have completed one-third
of the resident requirements
for their masters degrees in
history and their averages
should be better than 3.0.

For further information call
Betsy Scharth at 293-2948 or
Bruce Ragsdale at 977-3563.

Hatfield To Speak

"Constitutional Reform
and the Decentralization of
Political Power in America,"
will be the topic of a speech by
Mark O. Hatfield (R-Ore.) to
be held this evening at 8:30 in
Cabell Hall Auditorium. Mr.
Hatfield's speech is being
sponsored by the Student
Legal Forum.

Madison Hall Seminar

The Welfare Program will
sponsor a seminar for all
program representatives and
Madison Hall Big Brothers and
Sisters at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow
in the United Ministry Building
on Lewis Mountain Rd.

The seminar will allow
volunteers to discuss any
problems they have
encountered in the program
and to exchange ideas.

Glass Recycling Drive

The Charlottesville Ecology
Group's glass recycling drive
will continue Saturday at the
Midway School parking lot at
Ridge and South Streets from
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The group will accept
green and clear glass that has
been cleaned of food, labels
and metal rings.

Anyone interested in
joining the group is invited to a
membership meeting March 8
in the Gordon Avenue Branch
Library at 7:30 p.m.

Contract Exchanges

Food Services will re-open
the period for transferring
contracts for the Contract
Cafeteria next week due to the
number of students who were
unable to make exchanges

The amount of money paid
between students should be
agreed upon in advance, and
they must fill out the necessary
forms and have their student
identification cards changed at
the food service offices on
Thomson Rd.

Anyone who cannot find
someone willing to buy or sell
a contract should contact
Student Council offices.