University of Virginia Library

Students Receive Year Probation
For Nov. 2 Marijuana Arrest


Municipal Court Judge
Clinton E. Wingfield placed
first-year students Valerie
Holmes, James Carswell and
Wayne DeBlois on one year's
supervised probation yesterday
for "simple possession of
marijuana." The three students
were arrested November 2 in
Maupin Dormitory and charged
with the possession of

Second-year man John
Everson and first-year student
Susan Covey were also arrested
at that time.

The defendants pleaded
guilty of the charges and thus
became eligible for probation
under the provisions of
Virginia Code Section 54-524
101:3 which states "Persons
charged with first offense may
be placed on probation:
discharge." The students will
be under the supervision of the
Charlottesville Office of
Virginia Department of
Probation and Parole.

Student Attorney Ted
Hogshire said that if the
students, "were of good
behavior and fulfill the
obligations of their probation
until December 19, 1973, they
shall be discharged from such
probation and this charge shall
be dismissed and shall not
constitute a record of
conviction against the

"However, upon violation
of a term or condition, the
court may enter an
adjudication of guilt and
proceed as otherwise provided.

Mr. Everson, an engineering
student, was tried December
12 and also placed on one
year's supervised probation.
Miss Covey will be represented
by a private attorney and is to
be tried late this month or
early in January.

The five students were
arrested Nov. 2 by University
Security Officer James H.
Batten. Mr. Batten was on a
routine patrol when he noticed
the students passing a pipe on
Maupin's second floor balcony.