University of Virginia Library

'Misunderstandings' Delay
Athletic Vouching System


A "series of
misunderstandings" has
postponed until second
semester the use of an Honor
Committee vouching system
planned to allow students
without ID cards to use
University athletic facilities.

Paul Garvey, College
Historian and organizer of the
proposed Vouching Committee
said Friday that two of the
larger misunderstandings
between himself and University
Athletic Facilities and Finances
Director Evan J. Male have
been resolved, but the nearness
of first semester exams caused
him to delay the committee's
operation until February.

According to Mr. Garvey,
one of the misunderstandings
concerned the number of
students to be hired for the
committee, while the other
concerned the committee of
students already working at
University Hall as ID checkers.

Mr. Garvey originally
proposed a committee of 25
students who would share the
hours to be worked at
University Hall and Memorial

Mr. Male said Friday, "I
already have a couple of
students who are doing a fine
job out here, and I just wanted
it understood that they are to
continue in their jobs

"When the Vouching
Committee goes to work these
students are prepared to take
on the additional
responsibilities," he added.

Mr. Garvey said that
although these
misunderstandings have been
corrected, smaller problems,
including difficulties in
scheduling, contributed to the
delayed organization of the
committee and made the
postponement necessary.

Mr. Garvey announced Nov.
2 plans to organize the
committee and called for a
meeting of interested students
that night.

The Vouching Committee
was conceived as a remedy to
student complaints that the
Honor System was being
disregarded and weekend
when they were not allowed to
vouch for themselves for
entrance to University Hall and
Memorial Gym when they
forgot their student

As planned, the Vouching
Committee would alleviate this
problem by manning the
entrances to the facilities with
University-hired students who
would check ID's and allow
students without identification
to be vouched for by another
student with an ID.

A member of the Vouching
Committee will be on duty the
entire time the athletic
facilities are open to students
and faculty.

In the case of a student who
does not have his ID with him
the committee member will
supervise the filling out of a
vouching statement similar to
the one in use by the Judiciary
Committee at athletic events.

Committee members will be
allowed to vouch personally
for students they know.

Mr. Garvey pointed out that
a student will be able to be
vouched for only twice a
semester to prevent students
who have not replaced lost ID's
from taking advantage of the

Records will be kept of who
is vouched for and how many
times each person is vouched
for to prevent abuse of the

"The Bursar's office told me
that as many as 21 per cent of
the students here don't have a
student ID, and they're hoping
that this will encourage those
who don't try to get one," Mr.
Garvey said at one of the
committee's organizational

"I'm really anxious for this
project to be a success," Mr.
Garvey said. "It will certainly
benefit the students and will be
a victory for the Honor System
of this committee works."