University of Virginia Library


Union Offers Study Abroad

The University Union is sponsoring a
Study Abroad Program for all second,
third, and fourth year students in the
College. Those students who have at least
a 2.6 average are eligible, regardless of
major. The program offers study at the
Universities of Paris and Nantes in France;
Durham, England; Freiburg, Germany;
Vienna, Austria; and Madrid, Spain.

Students will take regular university
courses as well as courses offered by the
Institute of European Studies for the
fulfillment of the requirements of their
home school. Intensive language training
is carried on throughout the program,
although the Universities of Durham and
Vienna also offer courses in English.

Three different programs, for a
summer, for a semester, and for a full
year, are open to University students.
Prices range from $475 for the summer
program to $3,490 for the full year.

Interested students should come to a
meeting next Tuesday in the South
Meeting Room of Newcomb Hall at 6:30

French Films

The French Club of the University will
present three French films tonight at 8
p.m. in the South Meeting Room of
Newcomb Hall. A 75 cent admission fee
will include the three films Malraux,
Images de la Grande Guerre,
Richelieu. The public is invited.

Epic Poetry Lecture

Professor Albert Bates Lord, honorary
curator of the Mman Parry Collection at
the Widner Library of Harvard University
and chief scholar and architect of the
comparative study of early literature, will
deliver a lecture on "Oral Epic Poetry:
Transition and Imitation."

The speech will be held in the
Informal Lounge, Newcomb Hall,
tonight. A reception will be held at 3:15
p.m. and the lecture will follow at 3:45

Athletes Impress Nixon