University of Virginia Library

List of Candidates

The following is a complete list of
all candidates for Student Council
and the Judiciary Committee from
the College of Arts and Sciences, the
School of Engineering, and the
Graduate School of Arts and

The following students are
candidates for Council seats from
the College: M. Reamy Ancarrow,
Dave Barnes, Chris Brown, Phil
Chabot, Paul DiPasquale, Dave
Horan, Bill Hurd, Jonathan D.
Inskeep, Greg Luce, Anne Nutter,
Andy Potler, Tom Rickards, Eric
Royce, Barbara Savage, Rod
Singleton, and Ed Wilson.

Candidates from the College for
the Judiciary Committee are: Daniel
Bailey, Dennis Butler, Dave Canfield,
Christopher Cole, Don Dancer, John
Hogan, Mark A. Jones, Craig
Landauer, Mark Lawson, William P.
Miller, John Parker, Neil Ronco,
Robert E. Sheeder, and Greg Silver.

Candidates for the Council from
the School of Engineering are
William Davidge and Bill Huyett.
Reid Clemmer and Milton Whitfield
are running for a Council seat for a
partial term. Judiciary candidates
from the engineering school are Greg
Hudson, Raymond Ng, Paul Pruiss,
and Spencer Rogers.

From the Graduate School of Arts
and Sciences, Samuel L. Ashmon is
running unopposed for Council, and
Gordon Spencer is running
unopposed for the Judiciary seat.

The election was running
smoothly as of yesterday afternoon,
and student government sources
reported no problems. Occasional
shortages of ballots at some polling
places due to an unforeseen
distribution of voters there have
occurred, but ballots continue to be
available at all polling places.