University of Virginia Library


Union Schedules Vonnegut Speech

Author Kurt Vonnegut Jr. will speak
in Cabell Hall Auditorium at 8 p.m.

Mr. Vonnegut, known for his
much-publicized work Slaughterhouse -
launched his literary career with
Player Piano in 1951 after finishing his
education at the University of Chicago.

Initially classed as a science fiction
writer, Mr. Vonnegut has now been
labelled a "black comedian" since the
publication of God Bless You, Mr.
and Cat's Cradle, which was
later produced on Broadway.

Mr. Vonnegut, an acclaimed master of
social satire, believes that "elaborate
programs for mass progress are frauds
men perpetrate on themselves."

Tickets for the informal talk,
sponsored by the University Union, are
available at the main desk of Newcomb
Hall for $1.25.

CD Promotions

The Cavalier Daily has announced the
promotion of two members of its news

Richard Jones, a second-year College
student, has been promoted to the post
of city editor from his former position of
night editor. Fen Montaigne, also
second-year in the College, was named to
fill the post of night editor vacated by
Mr. Jones.

Security Relations

The Department of Security of the
University is making an effort to improve
its relations with students.

According to Mr. Rea Houchens, Chief
of the Security Force, student-Security
Department relations have degenerated
markedly since he founded the
department in 1949.

However, Mr. Houchens says that
there now exists an upward trend,
perhaps due to the latest efforts of the
Security force to improve relations.

Among these efforts are the three
Graves Mountain conferences, which took
place in August, October, and November
of this year. At the conferences groups of
about thirty Security officers, students,
faculty, and administrators openly
discussed Security-related problems in a
convivial, enjoyable atmosphere.

The Department is also planning to
meet students individually over coffee in
the Glass Hat and the Castle, beginning
this week. Question and answer sessions
involving various student groups such as
the First Year Council and the Executive
Committee of Counselors have also been

Magician's Sword