University of Virginia Library


Union Sponsors Flight

The University Union has announced
plans to arrange an airplane flight to New
Orleans for Mardi Gras in February.

Leaving from Richmond Saturday,
February 12, and returning Thursday
February 17, the trip will cost $108 for a
reserved student round trip seat. If the
student wishes to obtain accommodations,
a hotel room will cost between $10 and
$13 a night.

Tickets may also be obtained for those
wishing to attend one of the Mardi Gras
parties or balls Tuesday and Wednesday

All students interested in going on the
trip should contact Susan Morris at
924-3286 in the University Union offices
by 5 p.m. Tuesday, December 14. The
registration fee is a returnable three


Steve Sebo, director of college
athletics, will be the guest on this week's
"Sportscall" program, broadcast
simultaneously on WUVA and WTJU.

The stations invite their listeners to
call in and ask Mr. Sebo questions about
the athletics department, including recent
ticket practices for basketball games.

The talk show lasts for one hour.
Students may call and ask questions live
to Mr. Sebo. They may call WUVA at
924-3194 or 296-4640 during the hour.

Dental Program

The American Dental Association is
sponsoring a Program in Dental Research
for College Students for selected
pre-baccalaureate students.

The program provides an opportunity
for preselected student to spend ten
weeks in the laboratory of a senior dental
scientist working in the field of the
student's career interest.

The overall objective of the program is
to identify exceptional students and to
furnish insight through direct experience,
to the challenges that exist in oral biology
and related research.

The deadline for applications for the
program is February 15. Information and
application kits are available from John
Stewart, premedical advisor, in 450
Cabell Hall.

Pay Raise