University of Virginia Library


Election Deadline Is Today

Deadline for filing for election in the
December 8-9 Student Council elections
is today at 5 p.m. The campaign began
officially November 29 at 12:01 a.m. Ten
seats will be decided, five in the College,
one in the Law School, one in the School
of Architecture, one in the Graduate
School of Arts and Sciences. Two
representatives will be elected in the
Engineering School, one for only a


Monday, December 6, through Friday,
December 10, will be the week of
advising and preregistration in the College
of Arts and Sciences for spring semester
courses. Preregistration materials will be
available in the lobby of Old Cabell Hall
each day from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m.

The undergraduate advisors in each
department will announce their schedules
for conferences. Preregistration cards
must be returned to Cabell Hall during
the same week, December 6-10.

Evaluation Committee

The Student Council Course
Evaluation Committee will meet
Thursday at four o'clock in the South
Meeting Room. A questionnaire will be
distributed starting Dec. 6 which will
emphasize "open-ended" questions
designed to give students advice on
choosing courses and to provide faculty
with suggestions for improving courses
and curriculum.

Both editors and writers to review the
material are needed and a large part of
the work will be done after final exams.
Anyone in the College who is interested
and not able to attend this meeting
should leave their name at the Student
Council offices in Newcomb Hall.

English Syllabi

Syllabus booklets which include
information on reading assignments, tests,
and requirements for spring English
courses will be available Friday,
December 3. They can be found in the
English Department office (James Wilson
Hall, room 115), Newcomb Hall
Bookstore, Alderman Library, and from
all resident advisors.

Course textbooks, brief descriptions
and meeting times for ENLT, upper
division, and 90-level seminars will be
available at the English Department office
Monday, December 6.

Encounter Weekend

Basic Encounter Programs will
sponsor the last in the fall series of
human relations training events December
10-11. The basic encounter weekends
offer a form of experimental education
whereby persons may learn more about
their own feelings and how to
communicate more effectively with
others from their interaction together.

The weekend, which will be held at
the United Ministry Center, will begin
with an evening session from 7 to 11 p.m.
on Friday, December 10, and will
conclude at the close of the 8:30-5:00
session on Saturday. For information
and registration call Jim McDonald at

Directories Available

Student Telephone Directories are
now on sale for $1.04 at the Main Desk,
Newcomb Hall, Newcomb Hall
Bookstore, Mincers, and Anderson's and
University Bookstores. Secretaries who
wish to purchase directories tax free
should come to the Director's Office,
Newcomb Hall with cash.

Pavilion I Tour

An Open House will be held at
Pavilion I. Sunday, December 5 at 4 p.m.
Short guided tours of the Pavilion and its
gardens will begin an evening of
discussion about University life and how
it affects women. Any interested student,
faculty member or wife who has
something to say or wants to listen is

Physics Seminar

George Juras of the Battelle Research
Institute will speak to the Solid State
Physics Seminar tomorrow. The talk on
"Recent Contributions to the Band
Structure Problem" will be given at 3:30
p.m. in Room 204 of the Physics