University of Virginia Library

ACLU Opposes Approval
Of High Court Nominee


The University chapter of the
American Civil Liberties Union has voted
unanimously to oppose the confirmation
of the appointment of Assistant Attorney
General William H. Rehnquist to the U.S.
Supreme Court.

In a letter urging Senator William
Spong to vote against Mr. Rehnquist's
confirmation, student chapter chairman
Kevin L. Mannix said that Mr. Rehnquist had
not demonstrated a sufficient concern for the
protection of civil liberties.

Citing Mr. Rehnquist's approval of the mass
arrests made during the "Mayday"
demonstrations as particularly distressing, Mr.
Mannix said "there was no excuse for the
failure to follow legal procedures."

He added that there is no such thing in
United States law as the "modified marital law"
which Mr. Rehnquist asserted justified the
circumstances of the arrests.

The University chapter of the ACLU also
condemned Mr. Rehnquist's opinion that the
executive branch of the federal government
could authorize wiretaps under certain
circumstances without a court order.

Mr. Mannix said that this position could not
be taken by "anyone believing that the Bill of
Rights is intended to prevent, not permit,
unwarranted government interference in the
lives of its citizens."

On behalf of the student chapter, Mr.
Mannix also said that "We do not question Mr.
Rehnquist's political opinions, as they should
not be a critical factor in the selection process.
However, the character of a nominee's legal
attitudes, especially towards the United States
Constitution, must be carefully scrutinized."

The chapter voted to take no position
regarding the nomination of Mr. Lewis F.
Powell of Richmond to the Court "since strong
civil liberties questions have not been raised."


Photo By Charley Sands

Kevin L. Mannix

University Chapter Chairman