University of Virginia Library


Enrollment Shows Gain

Total enrollment at the University for the
fall session is 12,315 of which 11,150 are
full-time students, the remainder being
part-time students according to figures released

Last year, the University's full and part-time
enrollment was 10,852, with 9,787 enrolled as
full-time students. Total full-time enrollment in
the six undergraduate schools of the University
this year is 7,525 while 3,626 are enrolled in
graduate and professional programs.

Census figures show that full-time
enrollment in the College of Arts and
Sciences-the largest undergraduate school- is
5,411 compared to 4,575 in 1970.

However, included in this year's total are
942 women, who were added to the college
after its ban against women was dropped in
1970. There are 2,741 women enrolled
throughout the University this year; 1,485 in
the undergraduate schools.

Enrollment of students directly from
secondary schools to the three schools
admitting on the first year level, increased
approximately 150 this year over last year's
figure of 2,005.

Also, included in the undergraduate
enrollment this year are 424 transfer students.
Most of the remaining enrollment increase is
due to the retention rate whereby fewer
students drop out once having enrolled and
continue to work toward a degree.

Play Switched

Due to complications concerning
performance rights, the Virginia Players have
changed their third major production of the
year from Friedrich Durrenmatt's "Romulus
The Great" to Georges Fedoeau's "A Flea In
Her Ear." a French bedroom farce. The play is
being directed by David Bell towards a
December 6 opening.

The Players' second production this season,
Edward Albee's "A Delicate Balance" opens
next Monday as scheduled.

Draft Changes

The Selective Service System released on
November 2, a list of changes in the regulations
concerning classification and induction
procedures for the draft.

The new regulations, scheduled to take
effect in December, are designed to supplement
the amendments to the Selective Service Act
signed recently by President Nixon.

Under the new regulations, college students
who were not enrolled on a full-time basis and
making satisfactory progress towards a
bachelor's degree during the 1970-71 academic
year will not be eligible for a 2-S student
deferment. Similar requirements will be applied
to students in junior colleges, trade and
technical schools, and apprenticeship programs.

Another major change in the regulations
would establish time limits for a registrant's
personal appearance before his draft board.
Fifteen minutes will normally be allowed for
the registrant to present his claim. Registrants
meeting with their boards may now also bring
three witnesses to support his claims.


Photo by Lovelace Cook
