University of Virginia Library


Vietnam War Journalist Lectures

Don Luce, an economist and journalist who
has spent most of the past twelve years working
in Vietnam, will present a brief talk and
conduct a discussion dealing with Indochina.
Sponsored by the Asian Studies Students'
Association, the presentation will be today at
3:30 p.m. in the Graduate Student Lounge on
the south side of the West Range.

Mr. Luce has been involved in work in
Vietnam since 1958, and has served as director
of the International Voluntary Services
program in Vietnam from 1961 to 1967. After
1967 Mr. Luce worked as a journalist, and was
one of the discovers of the South Vietnamese
prison "tiger cages," a discovery which led to his
being forced to leave the country.

In addition to today's discussion, Mr. Luce
will have an exhibit of photos, artwork and
slide dealing with the effects of war on the
peoples of Southeast Asia on display in
Newcomb Hall Ballroom.

Herring Selected

John A. Herring, director of Newcomb, has
been selected as Performing and Visual Arts
Coordinator for Region 5 of the Association of
College Unions-International. Mr. Herring's
appointment was recently announced by John
Wong, Association Vice-President for Regional

As a regional coordinator, Mr. Herring will
serve on the staff of the Regional
Representatives for colleges and universities in
Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, South Carolina
and North Carolina. Responsibilities will
include assisting member schools and
developing college union programs in all
segments of the performing and visual arts.

Corks And Curls

The staff of Corks and Curls begin their
subscription drive this week. Posters have been
placed at strategic locations throughout the
Grounds with subscription blanks for the
yearbook which is priced at $10 this year.

Members of the staff will also be soliciting
subscriptions in the dorm areas tonight through
Thursday night, and letters will be sent to all
faculty and off-grounds students concerning the
yearbook. There will also be a table set up
outside the contract cafeteria at which
subscriptions may be placed.

Bruce Armstead, editor-in-chief of the Corks
and Curls, noted that the yearbook will be
hardback this year with "twice as much color"
as last year's paperback edition. There will also
be a new section devoted to the faculty. Ted
Freeman, a subscription manager, said that they
are "anxious to get some feedback" from
students who may have suggestions to propose
to the yearbook staff.

Amendment Rejected


Mariner Approaches Mars