University of Virginia Library

Education Council Elects Shannon To Post


Edgar F. Shannon, President of the
University, has recently been elected vice
chairman of the American Council on

The council is the largest association
of colleges and universities in the nation.
It represents more than 1,500 institutions of
higher learning that seek to advance education
and educational methods through voluntary
and cooperative action.

Mr. Shannon will serve as vice chairman
until the annual meeting of the council next
fall. A chairman, vice chairman and secretary
are elected annually from the board of directors
of the council. Mr. Shannon served as a member
of the board from 1967 until last year.

Since becoming President of the University
in 1959, Mr. Shannon has served as president of
the Association of Virginia Colleges, the
Council of Southern Universities, and the
Council of Presidents of State Institutions of
Higher Education in Virginia.

Mr. Shannon also served as president and
chairman of the executive committee of the
National Association of the State Universities
and Land-Grant Colleges. This year, he was
named senior vice president of the Oceanic
Educational Foundation. The Foundation was
formed to advance programs of oceanic
education in this country.


Photo by Charley Sands

President Edgar F. Shannon Jr.

Elected Vice Chairman Of American Council On Education