University of Virginia Library

Committee Seeks Remedy
For Bicycle Congestion


It looks as if relief is in sight for
beleaguered bicyclists who daily face the
obstacle course of curbs, stairs,
pedestrians and other cyclists.

The University Committee on Traffic
and Parking, in cooperation with the
Student Council Committee on Traffic
and Parking, is launching a bicycle study
which hopefully will result in the
encouragement of the use of bicycles, including
the construction of bike paths, ramps, and over
terraces; the publication of regulations
pertaining to bike riding and safety; and a
reduction in the number of bicycle thefts that

Bicycle Craze

The need for a group to deal with bicycles
became apparent when the bicycle craze which
has recently swept the nation made itself
evident in Charlottesville this fall. The number
of bikes "has at least quadrupled" according to
Manager of Traffic and Parking John B. Gregg,
and with the influx has come a proportionate
increase in the number of bike accidents and

Mr. Gregg turned the bicycle problem over
to the Growth Committee of Student Council
for study since he felt that there were "not
enough administrators" within the Traffic and
Parking division to adequately explore the

Committee Subdivision

As head of the Traffic and Parking
Sub-committee of the Growth Committee,
Council member Jim Rinaca created a
subdivision within his committee to deal with
bicycles. He appointed third-year law student
Allan Barringer as chairman of that body.

When the bike sub-committee met with the
University Traffic and Parking Committee on
Monday it was decided that Buildings and
Grounds Director Harold Taylor and Ed Bailey
would join with Mr. Barringer and Mr. Rinaca
do a study of the needs for bicycling on the

According to Mr. Barringer the first area of
concern will be to attempt to reduce the
number of bicycle thefts; a problem which has
increased drastically this year. Eighty-four
thefts were reported between Sept. 10 and 30,
with most of the bikes having been taken from
the dorm areas in the early morning hours of
Saturday and Sunday.

The publication of rules of the road and
safety regulations for bicycles will hopefully
reduce the confusion created by the heavy flow
of cars, pedestrians and cyclists around the