University of Virginia Library

Board of Visitors Convenes
Thursday for 3-Day Session


The Board of Visitors as well as a host
of Virginia government officials will be
the guests of the University this weekend.
Meetings of the Board of Visitors are
scheduled Thursday, Friday and
Saturday. Saturday also heralds the
University's annual Commonwealth Day

The first meetings of the Board of
Visitors for this year open Thursday
afternoon at 3 o'clock, when the Board's
Student Activities and Athletics Committee
convenes in the Taylor Room of Alderman

Student Council representatives will also
meet with the Student Activities and Athletic
Committee Thursday to discuss problems
related to the growth of the University.

Board meetings scheduled Friday and
Saturday are closed to student representatives
and the public.

Among the problems facing students at the
University this fall, according to Tom Collier,
president of Student Council, are: the shortage
of books for courses in Newcomb Hall
bookstore, the length of lines of students
waiting to eat in the Contract Cafeteria, and the
overcrowded conditions in many classrooms.
Mr. Collier added that Student Council is in the
process of compiling a list of growth-related
problems to present to the Board of Visitors.

"I think I have a responsibility to the
students at the University to express to the
Board of Visitors the physical problems
students are running into because of
expansion," he said, "in realms of traffic,
parking, academics, housing, athletics,
cafeterias, and the Honor System."

Mr. Collier also intends to express the
Council's feelings with regard to the petition
demanding that Student Council halt funding
of The Virginia Weekly. "Our point of view is it
should be published," he said.

In this, the first meeting of the Board of
Visitors this Fall, Mr. Collier said that he did
not plan to present the Student Activities and
Athletic Committee with a lot of issues and
problems at the University, Rather, he planned
to discuss the heart of the problem facing the
University in regard to growth.

The question the Board must answer, Mr.
Collier stated, is not whether or not the
University should grow in enrollment, but how
it should deal with the quality of student life in
an expanding University.

Saturday will also feature the University's
annual Commonwealth Day. Over 300
participants are expected as Governor Linwood
Holton, members of the General Assembly, and
other state officials attend the day's activities
intended to honor officials of the

Scheduled activities for Commonwealth Day
include a reception and luncheon Saturday
morning, followed by the University of Virginia
vs. Vanderbilt University football game at
Scott Stadium.