University of Virginia Library


Danforths Become Available

Fourth-year students in the College of Arts
and Sciences and other non-professional or
non-graduate programs may now apply for the
Danforth Graduate Fellowships.

Fellowship stipends cover individual needs
up to $1800 for a single person as well as
required tuition and fees at any graduate
school. The fellowships are renewable for a
total of four years.

A Danforth Fellow may pursue any field of
study in the arts and sciences which contribute
to a liberal education.

The criteria for election emphasize three
areas: evidence of intellectual power which is
flexible and of wide range, and of academic
achievement; evidence of personal
characteristics which are likely to contribute to
effective teaching and to constructive
relationships with students: and evidence of a
concern for the relation of ethical or religious
values to disciplines, the educational process
and to academic and social responsibility.

Interested students should contact the local
liaison officer, James Childress, Department of
Religious Studies, B-5 Cocke Hall, 924-3741, as
soon as possible.

Interested students should also plan to take
the Graduate Record Examination on Saturday,
October 23.

Film Union Meeting

The Virginia Film Production Union is
reorganizing for the year. A meeting tonight
will be a synthesis of last year's
accomplishments with "a heavy emphasis" on

The Union's birth last year about
through the efforts of a few local film buffs
who sought to see an outlet through actual
production of films here at the University. The
result of this interest was rewarded by the
production of numerous Super 8mm films and
a couple of more complex 16mm productions.

This year the Film Union is fortunate in
having some basic equipment and a large
quantity of film to work with, one of last year's
more obvious handicaps. With these tools and
an increasing interest by students in film, the
productions this year should be much more
numerous, innovative, and cinematic.

The Union will be composed of all
interested in filmmaking whether experienced or
not. The entire Charlottesville community is
welcome to this meeting to be held tonight in
Room 216 of Wilson Hall at 8:00 p.m.
Questions pertaining to the Union can be
directed to Greg Powers at 293-5988.

Echols Party

A party will be given for all Echols Scholars
tomorrow night at 8 p.m. in Alumni Hall,
according to Harry Gamble, Assistant Dean of
special Scholars.

The event, designed to help improve the
community atmosphere among students
participating in the Echols program, is the first
of two such functions planned by Mr. Gamble
for this year. It will be an informal gathering to
give the Echols students a chance to become
better acquainted. Beer will be served.

English Meeting

There will be an important meeting of all
undergraduate English majors today at 4:00 in
Wilson Hall 402 to discuss requirements for the
major and elect representatives to the
Undergraduate Committee.

No Physical Today

Due to a typographical error, the Physical
Examinations scheduled for today, September
28, were duplications of later assignments.
Dormitories scheduled at that time are
requested to report as assigned in October. No
physical examinations will be conducted today.

Exchange Closes

The used book and record exchange in the
basement of Newcomb Hall will close at eight
p.m. Thursday evening. Students are reminded
that any money not picked from the sale of
their books and records by that date will be
held until the beginning of next semester.

Anyone with unsold books or records
should collect them by then also or they will be
stored until February. At that time they will be
reduced in price by one-third and again placed
on sale. The non-profit exchange, sponsored by
the Union of University Students, has handled a
volume of 7,500 books and records in the past
two weeks.