University of Virginia Library

Staff Additions Contribute
New Dimension To Faculty


The face of the University's faculty
changes with each new term. Some
professors retire, others accept greater
duties, and more and more new faces
enter the University community adding
their knowledge to the storehouse
available to its students.

Several changes were made during
recent months affecting the
administration of various departments
the University as a whole. The most significant
of these was the appointment of Dexter W.
Whitehead as Dean of the Faculty of Arts and

Three New Deans

Mr. Whitehead, who is also Dean of the
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and
Director of the University's Center for
Advanced Studies, replaces David A. Shannon,
who became Vice President and Provost of the
University on July 1.

Three University faculty members have
taken on new duties as Association Deans.
Kenneth Elzinga, Assistant Professor of
Economics, is the new Dean for the
Page-Emmet Association. Fred Diehl, assistant
professor of Biology is heading the
Echols-Humphreys Association; and Harry
Gamble, assistant professor of Religious
Studies, is in charge of Special Scholars.

Robert F. Bryan, Associate Professor of
Chemistry, has been chosen to serve as an
Associate Dean of Admissions for the Graduate
School of Arts and Sciences. Alfred Fernbach,
Professor of Government and Foreign Affairs, is
a new Associate Dean for Fellowships. Samuel
P. Maroney, Associate Professor of Biology, will
be assistant to the Dean, as will John H. Moore,
Assistant Professor of Economics.

Professor Named

A long-time faculty member of the
University's medical school, Dr. E. Meredith
Alrich has been named the first Claude A.
Jessup Professor of Surgery. The new
professorship has been endowed by
Charlottesville businessman, Claude A. Jessup.
Dr. Alrich has published works dealing with
such subjects as burns and wound healing, the
effects of cortisone and tumors of the
gastrointestinal tract.

Two new chairmen of departments have
been appointed. They are Robert Ellison for
the department of Environmental Sciences and
George B. Thomas in department of


Photo by Charlie Sands

Dexter W. Whitehead

Dean Of Faculty Of Arts And Sciences

Jane Ikenberry and Linwood Jacobs are
serving as new Assistant Dean of Students in
the Office of Student Affairs. Miss Ikenberry
will deal especially with women's programs and
other coeducational student activities. Mr.
Jacobs is resident advisor for
Echols-Humphreys Houses and will work
with minority students

Special Professors

Three other faculty members will assume
special professorships. The board of Visitors
selected Frederick R. Cyphert, Dean of the
School of Education, to be Curry Memorial
Foundation Professor of Education. Charles J.
Bishko and Enne E. Krache were both named
Commonwealth Professor of History.

Howard Bryant, Professor of Education, has
been chosen to head the School of General
Studies department of Urban Affairs and

The Board of Visitors also named as
Professor Emeritus four professors who retired
in June. The faculty members honored are as
follows: Dr. W. Gayle Crutchfield, Professor of
Neurological Surgery in the School of Medicine
and former department chairmen; Dr. Yin-tang
Hsu, Professor of Pathology; Lawrence T.
Ludwig, Professor of Physical Education and