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Committee Faces Conduct Code Conflict
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Committee Faces Conduct Code Conflict



Photo by Lovelace Cook

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Presently two conduct codes govern
the action of students at the University.
One was adopted by the Board of Visitors
in October of 1970 but has not been
approved by a student referendum. The
other was passed by a student referendum
but was not adopted by the Board of

Last spring, D. Alan Williams,
Vice-President of Student Affairs,
proposed a "Blue Ribbon" Committee
which would deal with the entire issue.
According to Kevin Mannix, President of
last year's Student Council, Mr. Williams
agreed that the committee would deal with the
concept of whether students should be given the
authority to set their own standards of conduct
as well as the question of student rights.

Committee Failure

The Council expected the recommendations
of this committee by the end of the spring
semester. When none were given, the committee
was deemed a failure.

A new Committee for Student Rights and
Responsibilities has been formed consisting of
fifteen members, of which seven are students
and seven are delegates of the administration
The fifteenth is the chairman, Daniel Meador,
who has no vote.

Mountain Lake

Tom Collier, Student Council President, said
that this committee will meet at Mountain Lake
during the weekend of September 17.

Mr. Collier stated that "the first thing the
committee will examine is whether students
have the right to make their own Code of

The Board of Visitors' Code of Conduct
provides for interim suspension, a temporary
suspension of those who interfere "with the
orderly process of the University." Mr. Collier
felt that this type of suspension, which is not
provided for in the Code of Conduct passed by
the Students, will be the major topic of
discussion at the Mountain Lake Conference
along with minor details.

The Judiciary Committee which imposes
penalties they deem appropriate for offenses
under the Code of Conduct, uses as a guide the
rules for University students which existed
before the Code of Conduct.

According to the regulations adopted by the
Board of Visitors, the Judiciary Committee
may impose seven types of penalties according
to the severity of the case. They are
admonition, warning, reprimand, disciplinary
probation, restitution, suspension, and
expulsion. All cases are subject to review by
the President or his appointed delegate.

The members of the Student Rights and
Accountabilities Committee are Daniel Meador,
a lawyer, who is the chairman; Annette Gibbs,
Associate Dean of Students and Vice-Chairman
of the committee; and Carolle Gardner, a
delegate from the Office of the President of the

Other Members

Other members include Frederick K
Gaumer, Joseph Gibson, Chairman of the
University Committee on Students; Graham C.
Lily, an attorney; and Tom Goss, Chris Kerr,
Charlie Majors, and Linda Martin, students.

The remaining members are Miles
McFarland, Brian H. Siegel, David Weiss, Robert
S. Wood, and another student to be appointed
the first week of school by Mr. Collier.