University of Virginia Library

Judge Refutes Accusations,
Upholds Reporter Expulsion

Ralph P. Zehler, Juvenile Court Judge,
formally replied yesterday to charges
made by The Virginia Weekly that he
unlawfully barred reporters from court.

Mr. Zehler stated that his dismissal of
Jeff Bigelow, a reporter for The Virginia
Weekly, was wholly within the discretion
of his court.

Mr. Bigelow was barred from court
during a hearing against six juveniles on
April 7. Members of other news media were
allowed to sit in on the hearings.

The newspaper's practice of "reckless and
irresponsible journalism" prompted the
expulsion according to Mr. Zehler.

The Virginia Weekly filed suit April 22 with
the Charlottesville Corporation Court, asking
Judge George M. Coles to prohibit Mr. Zehler
from barring reporters from court. The
newspaper charges that Mr. Zehler denied The
Virginia Weekly and Mr. Bigelow constitutional
rights of freedom of the press and equal
protection of the law.


The petition also argues that no judge "has
the right to choose which representatives of the
press shall be admitted and which excluded
from hearings."

Mr. Zehler's motion for dismissal of the suit
denies both charges. Citing a section of the
state code, William P. Robinson, Jr. of
Richmond, Mr. Zehler's attorney, states that
"the general public shall be excluded from all
juvenile court hearings and only such persons
admitted as the judge shall deem proper."

Mr. Robinson further requested that certain
information about the newspaper staff and
distribution be supplied to the court. A
six-point interrogatory filed with the dismissal
motion requests that The Virginia Weekly
supply a list of names, addresses, dates, and
circulation figures.

Under the rules of the court, the newspaper
has 14 days to answer the interrogatory. F.
Guthrie Gordon, The Weekly's attorney, said he
would advise his clients not to answer the
request. Mr.

Since both sides have filed with the court,
Mr. Gordon could ask for a hearing Monday at
the monthly docket call, at which time a date
for the hearing would be set.

Mr. Gordon said that his request for a
hearing would probably come before the
docket call on Monday. He added that there
was a possibility that Mr. Coles and the parties
involved would settle thy matter outside of