University of Virginia Library

Council Releases
Referenda Vote

The final figures have been released
from the Student Council sponsored
referenda held last week in conjunction
with Council and Judiciary Committee

The first question on the Opinion Survey,
asking students whether a strike should be held
this month, was rejected by a vote of 3,390 to

Students voted affirmatively to the item
which read: "Do you favor withdrawal of all
U.S. forces from Viet Nam, Laos, and
Cambodia by December 31,1971." There were
4,044 yes votes and 1,141 no votes. The high
rise dormitory proposal for Lambeth Field was
rejected with a vote of 3,642 to 1,540.

The New Constitution Party's proposed
constitution lost in the referendum by 2,487 no
votes to 1,361 yes votes. The $750 salary
proposal for the incoming President of Council
was also rejected by 2,810 to 1,080.

An amendment to the Council constitution
which would have made future referenda
binding on the Council only if 40 per cent of
the student body voted in the balloting did not
receive the necessary two-thirds vote to go into
effect. There were 2,357 votes in favor and
1,448 in opposition.

The Judiciary amendment lowering
residence requirements for Judiciary members
passed 2,501 to 1,342.