University of Virginia Library

Lecturers Discuss Roman History,
Drama, Experimental Education

A classical actor, an archaeologist, a
specialist in physical education, an
educator and a chemist will present
lectures on the grounds this week.

"Lunatics and Lovers," a program of
Shakespeare readings, will be given by
classical actor Nicholas Kepros tonight at
8:30 p.m. in 402 Wilson Hall. Mr. Kepros
will also speak on "The Actor and the
Modern Drama" at 4 p.m. tomorrow in
The Studio, basement of Cocke Hall.

Appearing in over 30 Shakespearian
productions in the United States and
England, Mr. Kepros has played the parts of
Richard II, Hamlet, Macbeth, and Octavius

Frank W. Walbank, professor of ancient
history and classical archeology at the
University of Liverpool (England) will lecture
on "Nationality and Roman History" in the
McGregor Room of Alderman Library today at
8 p.m.

A former professor of physical education,
Delbert Oberteuffer, will speak on "The
Relevance of Health Education" in the South
Meeting Room of Newcomb Hall at 8 p.m.

"The Anatomy of a Free School" will be the
topic of a discussion presented by Carla
Eugster, director of the Nethers Community
Free School in Woodville, Virginia. She is
presently directing the Future Village Project,
an experimental community for inner-city poor
designed to "break the link between work and

Her lecture will take place on Wednesday,
April 28, at 7:30 p.m. in the South Meeting
Room of Newcomb Hall.

Herbert C. Brown, professor of Chemistry at
Purdue University will lecture on
"Organoborancs: A New Universe for
Exploration" in Room 304 of the Chemistry
Building at 4 p.m. on Thursday. Mr. Brown was
awarded the National Medal of Science last year
for his discovery and exploration of the
hydroboration reaction and for developing it
into a major tool in chemical synthesis.