University of Virginia Library

Black Law Group Sponsors Forum

The Black American Law Students
Association will sponsor a panel
discussion with four state legislators on
March 22 in the Chemistry Building at

The purpose of the program is to
establish a research group of students in
law, government, and related fields to
assist black legislators with research and
legal aspects of their activities.

The featured speakers will be State
Senator Lawrence Wilder of Virginia,
State Representative James Felder of
Sough Carolina, State Representative
Richard Clark of Mississippi, and State
Representative Bobby Hill of Georgia.

The program will focus on "Black Politics in
the South," dealing with problems experienced
by black lawmakers in their capacity as
representative of both their immediate
community and the black community as a

The panel will also deal with ways in which
students can help to bridge the gap between
legislators and the black community. The
purpose of the research group formed as an
outgrowth of the forum would be to deal with
the problem of black lawmakers relating to heir

The forum will be open to the public. An
exchange with students will be held following
the panel discussion. Prior to the speeches.
Monrad Paulsen, Dean of the Law School, will
hold a reception at his home.