University of Virginia Library

Union Sponsors
Arts Festival

The fourth annual Fine Arts Festival,
sponsored by the University Union, will
be accepting entries from now until April
15. Prizes will be offered in each of five
categories, including Art, Photography,
Short Stories, Film and One-Act Plays.

Paintings, sculpture, jewelery, or
anything a contributor considers art will
be accepted in the Art category.
Theodore Turner will be judging this

The Short Story category will be
judged by John Coleman, William Ellwood,
Michael Hendrick, Emory Maiden, and Frank
Schipani. Participants are limited to three
entries in this class.

The film category, to be judged by Walter
Korte, is a new addition to the Festival this
year. The films may be of any type o subject,
the only prerequisite being that they are
entirely student-produced.

The One-Act Plays will be screened by
Roger Boyle, directory of the Virginia Players.
William Gitchell of Gitchell Studios and Edwin
Roseberry will review the black and white and
color photography.

First place winners in each category will
receive $50, second place $25, and third place
$10. The winning art entries will be displayed
in Newcomb Hall. The Spectator Magazine will
publish the first place short story, and the
winning film will be screened during the
Thursday film series.

Contributions may be submitted at the
Union office in Newcomb Hall.