University of Virginia Library

Amnesty Given
For Stolen Signs

In a hearing at Albemarle County
Court House for four University students
caught stealing highway signs, University,
city and county officials launched a
campaign to encourage the return of
stolen signs last night.

Stolen road signs may now be
returned to city, county, and University
police with a guarantee of amnesty from
the District and City Attorney's offices.

According to Edmund Coats of the
State Highway Department, $12,000 was
spent in Albemarle County alone to have signs
replaced." Virginia State Trooper Bradley
pointed out that the monetary value of signs is
secondary to the safety value.

This amnesty according to State Trooper
Mullizo will last for a reasonable time. He
suggested one or two weeks. Mr. Mullizo said
"Right now, I know where two signs are and if
they are not returned, I will personally take the
initiative to get them back."

Ray Houchens of University Security said
that six University students who are known to
have signs will be charged with stealing road
signs. He added that "they will not receive

Road signs may be returned either to the
city or county police or the yard in front of the
Department of Security.