University of Virginia Library

Scott Plans Speech Here On Politics

William L. Scott, United States
Congressman from the Eighth District of
Virginia, will speak at the Republican
Club of the Law School on Monday,
March 15 on the practical aspects of
politics and the benefit of political
participation for a new lawyer.

Mr. Scott's Congressional District
includes twenty counties and the City of
Fredericksburg. Having a population of
600,000, it is the largest in Virginia. He has
been Congressman since 1966.

Previous to becoming a member of Congress,
Mr. Scott was a trial attorney with the
Department of Justice, and a Special Assistant
to the Solicitor of the Department of the

He holds a Juris Doctor degree from George
Washington University and was past chancellor
of Sigma Nu Phi legal fraternity.

Mr. Scott's son, Paul, is a senior in the Law
School here.

A reception will follow Mr. Scott s speech.
All area Republican workers and volunteers are
invited to attend the meeting.


William L. Scott

Virginia's Eighth District Congressman