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Alderman Council Approves
New Upperclass Constitution

By Mike Gartlan
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

The Alderman Road Legislative
Council Wednesday night approved a new
constitution which calls for a new upper
class association of residential councils.

According to Doug Hickman,
President of the Alderman Council, The
Association of Residential Councils will
include a residential council for each of
the three major upper class dormitory

The association will be made up of the
elected officers from the Alderman Road
dormitories, Mary Munford and Gwathmey
houses and McKim dormitory. There will also
be an Executive Cabinet to be elected from
those residents of the dormitories who are not
officers of their complexes.

This new constitution must be approved,
however, by a referendum to be held on
Wednesday and Thursday of next week. Mr.
Hickman said that officers of the Alderman
Council will distribute ballots to the dormitory
residents at 11 p.m. on those nights.

He said also that the voting procedure for
the women's dormitories has not yet been
decided upon and that this procedure will be
announced later.

According to Mr. Hickman, the purpose of
the association is to work with the Housing
Office and the Student Affairs Office to insure
the best interest of the dormitory residents.

Mr. Hickman added that the "major purpose
of the association is to bring upper class men
and women together to work on common
problems." He also said that this new council
has more potential then the present council
because it represents a greater number and
variety of students."

The Alderman president said further that
the combination of these three complexes will
"bring Mary Munford and McKim dormitories
into the mainstream of University life."