University of Virginia Library

Investigation Clears Security
Of Latest Harassment Claim

An investigation into the alleged
harassment of a black Charlottesville
high school student by University
Security Police has cleared the Security
Department of any connection with the

William A. Ellwood, Assistant to
President Shannon for Special Programs,
told The Cavalier Daily yesterday that
"all leads show that it was impossible"
for any member of the University
Security Police to have any connection
with the matter.

Mr. Ellwood added that the Security
Department knows where its men are at
all times and that no officer was in the
vicinity of the alleged harassment.

Mr. Ellwood said also that it was doubtful
that any city or county police were involved.
He said that city and county police rarely enter
the Grounds and that when they do so the
Security Department is notified of such

The black student, Clarence Wells, a junior
at Lane High School and an employee of
Madison Hall, charges that he was stopped
outside Newcomb Hall by a security officer last
Saturday and was asked for a student ID. Mr.
Wells said that the officer gave no reason for
stopping him and that he gave the officer his
Upward Bound identification card.

Mr. Wells then claims the officer asked if he
wanted to accompany him to the security. Mr.
Wells said that he refused to go with the officer
and that the officer kept his ID.

The results of the investigation made by Mr.
Ellwood's office, the Student Affairs office and
the Security Department confirm the report
made earlier this week by Wade Bromwell,
Director of Security.

Mr. Bromwell had said that he had "no
record of any security officer involved" in the
incident. He added that most of his men were
at University Hall because of the University
basketball game.