University of Virginia Library

Takes Effect Monday

Traffic Committee Changes Fines

By Rob Pritchard
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

The University Traffic Committee has
recently decided to alter the existing
system of fining parking violations to that
of a standardized rate of fines
corresponding to those of the city of

Taking effect at 12:01 a.m. Monday,
the new system will eliminate the present
graduate rate of fines and replace it with
a fixed penalty for parking violations.
Also effective as of 12:01, the Emmet
Street parking lot will be closed to all
parking due to the construction of a new
Education School Building.

Because of the difficulty of the
bookkeeping under the existing traffic
control system the Traffic Committee has
found it necessary to establish a fixed rate of
penalty to cover the same violations penalized
under the present procedure.

Parking overtime, parking with the wrong
side to the curb, parking in an alley, drive way,
or crosswalk, and parking in loading zones will
be a set $2 fine. Parking in restricted areas, on
the grass, or improper parking, and also parking
with the motor running have been set at $3

A $5 fine will be imposed on those who
improperly display the University sticker, park
in a prohibited zone, or in reserved spaces.
Failure to register a motor vehicle will be a $10
penalty, while failure to display a University
sticker will result in a $7.50 fine.

Procedure upon receiving a fine will be
basically the same as under the present system.
A ticketed violator has five days to report to
the Traffic Control Section at Brandon Avenue
to settle his violation. Failure to do so would
result in a further penalty.

The Emmet Street parking lot will be closed
to all parking at 12:01 a.m. Monday because of
construction in that lot. An estimated 100
parking spaces will be eliminated as a result of
the expansion, while no alternative spaces have
been provided by the University Traffic