University of Virginia Library

Includes Roebuck

Council Proposes Black Visitor

By Richard Jones


John Atkins/Daily Progress Photo

Jim Roebuck

Former Council President Nominated For Visitors

Jim Roebuck, former University Student Council President,
has been proposed as a candidate to the Board of Visitors.
Kevin Mannix, present Student Council President, suggested
Mr. Roebuck's nomination during a conference with John
Richie, administrative assistant to Governor Holton.

The terms of three members of the Board of Visitors expire
on February 28 of this year. These members are Richard S.
Cross, Clifton Waker Barrett, and William S. Potter. Mr. Potter
now serves as chairman of the Financial Committee.

Mssrs. Barrett and Potter are eligible for reappointment since neither
have served three-year terms. Mr. Cross's third term expires the last day
of this month.

The vacated seats are filled by appointment from Governor Holton.
Mr. Mannix has suggested two persons for nomination to this position,
Mr. Roebuck and another Black.

Mr. Roebuck now teaches at Drexel Institute in Pennsylvania.

According to Mr. Mannix, "The other person graduated from the
University with a masters and Ph.D. He is now a teacher and
administrative assistant to the President at a university in Tennessee."
Mr. Mannix would not divulge this nominee's name.

Mr. Mannix also said that resumes of the two persons had been sent
to the Alumni Association for their perusal. The Alumni Association
considers the implications of the candidates" nominations, the reaction
of alumni, and the qualifications of the candidates. They then forward
the resumes to the Governor's office. Mr. Mannix said his proposed
candidates had been acceptable to the older members of the Alumni
Association and had received a favorable reaction from the faculty.

According to custom, the selection for the vacated seats would not
be made until after the terms of the retiring members have expired.

Mr. Mannix met with Mr. Richie in Richmond during semester
break. Mr. Mannix went on to say that both candidates were supported
by the black community, while the nomination of the second person
was given to him by a member of the Charlottesville community. Mr.
Mannix considered the nominee and then forwarded his resume along
with Mr. Roebuck's to the Alumni Association.