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Summer Education Seminar
To Be Held In Eastern Europe

By Richard Jones
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

A Comparative Education Seminar
and Field Study on "Eastern European
Life, Education, and Culture" will be
held in Czechoslovakia and Hungary this

This program includes lectures by
outstanding scholars and leaders at
Cornelius University in Czechoslovakia
and Savaria University in Hungary. The
lectures concern life, education, and
culture in these countries.

Gerald H. Read, Endowed Professor
of International Comparative Education,
Kent State University, will be the director of
the seminar program. Peter Hackett, Assistant
Professor of Comparative Education at the
University, will serve as assistant director. Also
Mr. Hackett will lead a small group discussion.

This program is open to undergraduate and
graduate students, public school teachers and
administrators, University personnel, and
interested community residents. Six semester
hours credit may be arranged with the
University while all participants will be required
to register for at least three semester hours.

Mr. Hackett said that the program is
designed to place the participant in the
environment of the country by housing him in
hostels at Cornelius University and by offering
lectures to be given by outstanding scholars and
leaders which will be followed by small
discussion groups.

Mr. Hackett hopes that the seminar would
reveal the problems of that culture and provide
a basis of comparison to our culture.

Participants will leave from New York via
plane to Vienna on July 15. In Vienna they will
disembark on bus for the first seminar at
Cornelius University in Bratislava,
Czechoslovakia July 18. Participants will leave
July 25 for a bus tour of Hungary, Romania,
and Yugoslavia.

The second seminar begins August 8 at
Savaria University in Szombathely, Hungary.
The return flight leaves Vienna and arrives in
New York August 23.

More complete details and an application
form may be received upon request from Peter
Hackett, School of Education, University of
Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903.