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Developers Drop Shopping Center Plans,
Confer With Council On Further Planning

By Rob Pritchard
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Working in conjunction with Student
Council, the developers of the proposed
dormitory complex to be located on
Jefferson Park Avenue across from Cabell
Hall, have recently revised their original
plans for that structure.

According to Ken Ross, student
director of University Square, the original
plans which called for an eight-story
Sheraton convention motel on one side of
the 3.5 acre plot and a five-story
dormitory-type apartment building on
the other have been largely abandoned.

The prime difficulty resulted from the
proposed construction of an S&W cafeteria, a
movie theatre, and a small shopping center, in
addition to three floors of paid parking. Under
existing zoning laws, such commercial
enterprises would necessitate the rezoning of
the entire area.

The rezoning of the plot would allow other
commercial establishments to build shops along
Jefferson Park Avenue, and thus transform a
residential area into a business section directly
across from Cabell Hall.

A recent Student Council survey conducted
to find out the opinions of the residents of the
area has indicated that the majority of the
neighbors oppose the rezoning of the area to
allow commercial enterprises. They add that a
shopping center is not needed since the corner
is within easy walking distance.

The Student Council has proposed instead
that a zoning variance to allow paid parking,
which would not necessitate the rezoning to
B-1, be sought.

William D. Cannon of Construction Finance
Management, and who is representing the New
York owners of the land, is working closely
with Student Council to draw up plans which
are acceptable to students.

According to Mr. Ross, plans now under
consideration will abandon the motel, movie
theatre and shopping center, and will replace
them with a 100 suite residential apartment
complex, Each suite is to be composed of four
bedrooms, a kitchen, and a living area, which
will rent for $400 a suite per month.

The plans also include an indoor swimming
pool and a private club for the residents of the
complex, along with three levels of paid
parking, which would provide parking spaces
for students not living in the building.

It has also been proposed by Student
Council that the structure not exceed the
height of Cabell Hall, and thus would not be
visible from the Lawn.