University of Virginia Library

AED Pre-Medical Society
Holds Initiation At Rotunda

Alpha Epsilon Delta Pre-Medical
Honorary Society initiated 40 new members
last night in its annual initiation
meeting held in the Rotunda.

Admission to the honorary society is
based on a grade requirement. All initiates
must have a 3.0 overall cumulative
average and must also have averaged 3.0
in all of the science courses required for
admission to the University's School of
Medicine. Only third- and fourth-year
pre-medical or pre-dental students are

Included among the new initiates were
Harold H. Allen, William F. Armstrong, William
A. Ashton, William E. Austin, Douglas D.
Blevins, Jeffrey R. Blumenthal, Charles W.
Bounds, Larry K. Broadwell, Timothy S. Burke,
Ralph J. Chambers, Robert J. Cohen, Stanley B.
Cohen, James B. Cook, John R. Covalla, Gary
B. Gross, and I. Bruce Hoffman.

Also initiated were Barry V. Kavy, Sidney
A. Kresse, Benjamin B LeCompte, Stephen D.
Lenett, David H. Lowe, R. William McCue,
William R. McDaniel, James W. Miller, Richard
C. Morris, Philip J. O'Donnell, Robert Oertli,
and Robert N. Chip Pyle.

Other new members include P. Thomas
Riley, James W. Schmidley, Steven L. Stolpen,
Robert W. Van Hook, John R. Wood, Mark B.
Workman, Thomas H. Young, Jonathan A.
Herbst, and Thomas W. Yun.

Inducted as honorary members were Ralph
W. Ingersoll, Assistant Dean of the University's
medical school, and Fred Diehl, Assistant Professor
of Biology at the University.

Following the initiation ceremony last night,
Anthony C. Fouts, president of the honorary
organization, introduced Dr. Ingersoll who
spoke briefly on the challenges facing the
pre-medical student today's academic world.