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IFC Declares Open Weekend
To Relax Rush Atmosphere

By Gordon Peerman
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

The IFC voted overwhelming Monday
night to make this weekend one of open
rush, with no restrictions upon the way in
which a fraternity wished to rush.

Endorsed unanimously at an earlier time by
the President's Council the motion was adopted
for several reasons. Primary among these was
the feeling that the structure of rush should be
loosened in order to give the rushee a realistic
view of life in the houses, a chance to see
fraternity life as the brothers think it is.

Others felt that such a weekend would serve
to case the hectic tensions of rush, allowing
rushees and the brothers to relax on a more
informal basis. The feeling was expressed that
since this was an off weekend in Charlottesville,
the rushee would be able to see what the houses
do on the majority of weekends.

Some expressed the fear that the open
weekend would degenerate into another round
of parties, yet most present advanced the view
that it might be to the houses' advantage to
experiment with more innovative forms of

Rushees are reminded that the weekend is
open rush, allowing the rushees another chance
to visit houses whether or not they have
received an invitation. Many houses said that
formal invitations have not been mailed for this
weekend, but that invitations are being issued
by word of mouth.