University of Virginia Library

Council On Human Relations
Sponsors Integration Program

The Virginia Council on Human
Relations in cooperation with the
Southern Regional Council is sponsoring
a program designed to anticipate possible
trouble spots in Virginia high schools due
to racial integration.

The program, which has already been
organized in Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and
North Carolina, is seeking University members
to talk to high school students over
Thanksgiving vacation about their feelings
toward integration in their schools.

Information gathered at this time will be
used to determine those high schools where
racial tensions are highest. Volunteer students
will again go to these schools and discuss with
the students their respective problems, trying to
discourage any possible trouble.

There will be a meeting Friday at 1:30 p.m.
in the South Meeting Room of Newcomb Hall
for all students interested in participating in
this program. Also, students may call Tom
Collier at the Student Council office for further