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County School Board Votes, Drug User's Penalties Set
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County School Board Votes,
Drug User's Penalties Set

In an effort to be "consistent," the
Albemarle County School Board approved
new outlines for dealing with local
students involved in drug use in a meeting
Monday night.

The School Board announced a policy
that penalties for drug users would range
from three day suspension to permanent
expulsion. School Superintendent Clarence
McClure said that the new policy
was intended to be a deterrent to drug
abuse. "The effort is not to be too harsh,
but it is an effort to be consistent."


Punishment includes suspension from 3 to
30 days for the first misdemeanor offenses and
permanent expulsion for second offenses.

Offenses that are felonies will receive permanent
expulsion on the first offense, and
students that are indicted for a felony and who
are allowed to remain in school will be limited
to their activities until their cases are settled.

Under the new policy teachers and staff
members are required to report to the principal
suspected drug possessors or users. If drugs are
found the principal is required to notify the
student's parents and the county sheriff's

Teacher Objections

The Board also approved a policy statement
concerning teachers, despite the objections of
an official of the Albemarle Education
Association. He said the organization should
have a chance to review it.

Under this policy teachers convicted of drug
charges will be relieved of his duties. Teachers
indicted will be suspended, but will be reinstated
with back pay if acquitted.

Mr. McClure said that his failure to consult
the Education Association was a oversight,
since "all of this is emergency legislation, so to