University of Virginia Library

Debaters Compile 5-3 Record
In Intercollegiate Tournament

Narrowly edged out of competition in
the elimination rounds, the Virginia Debaters
walked away from their first Intercollegiate
Debate Tournament not completely

Representatives from the University varsity
debating squad, Brad Jackson and Jim Poe,
compiled a 5-3 record and were ranked 20th
out of the 52 teams. The first sixteen teams
were allowed to continue in the tournament.

Entering the competition at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology were 52
colleges and universities from 28 states. In the
first round the University's team met 8 teams in
total of which 5 went on to qualify.

Mr. Jackson and Mr. Poe out maneuvered
teams from Harvard and Brown Universities and
were outdone by students from the University
of Massachusetts, UCLA, and Cornell.

The Virginia Debaters were pleased with
their first intercollegiate effort and have scheduled
a match in a regional tournament to be
held at the University of North Carolina this
coming weekend.