University of Virginia Library

Circle Studies
Middle Ages

The University's Medieval Circle will
hold its first meeting of the year Wednesday
evening, October 2, at 8:30, with
members gathering in the Informal
Lounge of Newcomb Hall.

Urban T. Holmes, Jr., Kenan Professor
of Romance Languages at the University
of North Carolina and author of Daily
Living in the Twelfth Century
(1952), A
History of Old French Literature
History of the French Language (1933),
and other works, will give a talk entitled
"Gerald the Welshman." All members are
invited to stay for the reception afterwards.

The Medieval Circle is an organization of
students, faculty, and interested persons from
outside the University community, who wish to
promote the study of the history and culture of
the Middle Ages. Membership is open to anyone
who shares this aim and is willing to contribute
annual dues - $5, for general members, $2 for

Meetings will be held at regular intervals
throughout the academic year with distinguished
speakers representing a variety of views
and interests in medieval studies.