University of Virginia Library

White Advises Students
On Campaign Tactics

Roy White, Democratic candidate for
the U.S. Congress from the Sixth District,
will speak tonight at 7:30 in the New
Chemistry Auditorium to kick off this
year's activities for the University New
Democratic Coalition.

Mr. White, fifty-four years old, is a
former member of the Democratic
National Committee. After working
actively in the Roanoke area to open up party
politics and reform the political process, e is
now attempting to unseat Rep. Richard Poff,
an eighteen-year veteran of Congress.

As a member of the Credentials Committee
at the Democratic National Convention in
1964, he fought for the seating of the
Mississippi Freedom Democrats instead of the
all-white "regular" delegation.

In 1968 Mr. White served as Sixth District
Campaign Manager for Eugene McCarthy, and
in 1969 for Henry Howell.

After the 1968 campaign, he got together
with dissatisfied Democrats from across the
nation and helped form the New Democratic
Coalition as an alternative to rigid party
politics. Since then he has built the Roanoke
Coalition into a major force in the area.

Mr. White's specialty has been in reforming
party politics and in breaking up what he calls
the "cliques and vested interests that have shut
off the political process from the common

The fact that Mr. White won the Democratic
primary this summer despite opposition from
all party officials testifies to his success.

In his talk tonight Mr. White will explain
how his tactics can be used in Charlottesville
and other areas. He will give advice to the
members of the University chapter of the New
Democratic Coalition in their work in the
coming election as well as seek the students'
support in his own campaign.

The meeting will be the Coalition's first this
year and plans will be made for work in the
election campaigns.