University of Virginia Library

Peace Candidate Rawlings
Examines U. S. 'Priorities'

By Mike Gartlan
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

George C. Rawlings Jr., the
Democratic candidate for the United
States Senate, will speak on "America's
Inverted Priorities" today, at 4:15
p.m. in the new Chemistry Building
Auditorium. A reception and question
and answer period in the Law School
Lounge will follow the speech.

A former member of the Virginia House of
Delegates, Mr. Rawlings supported Robert F.
Kennedy, Henry Howell as State Vice Chairman
and William Battle after Mr. Howell's primary
defeat. In Mr. Battle's gubernatorial campaign,
Mr. Rawling's was the Eighth District

Mr. Rawlings sees Vietnam and the economy
as America's two great problems. He favors
immediate Vietnamization and complete
withdrawal of American troops by 1971.
Commenting on the war, Mr. Rawlings says that
it has "turned our heads from seeking cures to
our domestic problems" while adding to a
greatly unsettled economy.

Long a supporter of labor and the consumer,
Mr. Rawlings favors fair wage controls, lower
interest rates, elimination of unfair tax
loopholes and stronger consumer protection

The Democratic candidate has supported the
Cooper-Church and McGovern-Hatfield
Amendments to end the war. Mr. Rawlings is a
staunch opponent of ABM and wholeheartedly
favors the presence of students on college and
university governing boards.

Choosing not to face Mr. Rawlings in the
July primary, Senator Harry Byrd turned
Independent last spring with the hopes of being
endorsed by the Republicans, who, in turn,
refused to support Mr. Byrd. Instead the
Republicans nominated Ray Garland, who is
also having trouble gathering Republican

In the three-way contest, Mr. Rawlings, a
"populist liberal" and peace candidate has
picked up the support of Virginia blacks and
labor and has emerged as the only candidate
backing counter-administration legislation.

In a speaking engagement in Fredricksburg
on Sunday, Mr. Rawlings called for a priority
commitment to action against crime and
violence in our streets saying that "we need a
war on crime in which we mobilize the
necessary resources to reverse the rising crime