University of Virginia Library

Critic Discusses
French Writers

An internationally-acclaimed scholar
of 20th-century French literature will
visit the University next week as a
lecturer for the Peters Rushton Seminars
in Contemporary Literature.

Germaine Bree, research professor at
the University of Wisconsin's Institute for
Research in the Humanities, will give a
public lecture Tuesday on "Dialogue with
Our Time: Malraux' 'Anti-Memoires,' "
beginning at 8 p.m. in Wilson Hall

The following evening, under sponsorship
of the University's Alliance Francaise,
Miss Bree will give a public lecture in
French, illustrated with slides, on "Marcel
Proust: D'Illiers a Combray" beginning at 8:15
in the South Meeting Room of Newcomb Hall.

During her visit she will also meet with
graduate students and undergraduate majors in

Born and educated in France, Miss Bree has
published both in English and in French a
number of critical studies of such 20th-century
writers as Marcel Proust, Andre Gide and