University of Virginia Library

IFC Advises
Hostess End

By Brian Sieger
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

The Committee on Fraternities has
recommended to the President of the
University through the Dean of Student
Affairs that fraternities no longer be
required to have hostesses for social

D. Alan Williams, Dean of Student Affairs,
said that the motion will have to be studied and
all its ramifications investigated before final
approval is given by the President.

If approved, the motion will take effect next
semester. The Interfraternity Council Governing
Board unanimously passed a resolution last
Friday requesting the Committee on Fraternities
to make the recommendation to the

Dean Williams said he did not know when a
final decision could be expected from Frank
Hereford, Provost of the University and Acting

At the IFC meeting last night, a motion was
passed recognizing a new social club on the
Grounds, called the "Splibs." Although this is a
predominately black club, the representatives at
the meeting stated that the group would be
non-discriminatory in their membership policy.
The Splibs have a membership of 15 and hope
to enlarge it this year. The representatives were
optimistic about obtaining a house for the club
by next year.

For Openings Weekend, Bob Fisher, IFC
president, said parties will be from 11 p.m. to 3
a.m. Friday and from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m.
Saturday. The late hour on Friday night is due
to the dance earlier in the evening. As was
stated for last weekend, guest passes will be
required for those wishing to attend any
house's party during Openings.

Sunday, the IFC is sponsoring a concert
with bands coming from the Washington, D.C.
area. The afternoon concert will run from 2
until 6 and will cost 50 cents. The bands will
play either in the Dell or in Cabell Hall,
depending on the weather.

In other business at the meeting, it was
announced that there will be a very important
meeting of all fraternity presidents and advisors
Wednesday night at 7:45 in Alumni Hall.