University of Virginia Library

R. E. Lee Lowest Bidder
On Nuclear Reactor Plant

Low bid for an addition to the
nuclear reactor building at the
University has been submitted to R.
E. Lee and Son. Inc. of Charlottesville
with a base bid of $271,038.

Two local companies submitted
bids to the University by Tuesday
for the ten thousand square foot
addition which will house research
laboratories and offices connected
with the reactor facility. The
addition will not involve any
changes in the million-watt reactor
itself, and is expected to attract
more students to the University to
do research work as part of the
nuclear engineering program of the

The addition will permit increasing
the current graduate nuclear
engineering enrollment of approximately
35 to as many as 70. It also
will permit more laboratory accommodations
for third-year students
in the undergraduate nuclear engineering
program initiated last year. It
is in the third year of this program
that laboratory work involving the
reactor facility is required.

Stainback & Scribner of Charlottesville
are architects for the proposed
addition of the reactor
facility located on Mr. Jefferson.