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Howell Scores Campus Violence,
Urges Student Voice In Decisions

State Sen. Henry E. Howell, Jr.,
criticized campus violence and
lawlessness yesterday and urged
that a major voice be given students
and faculty in academic and campus
affairs, according to an article
in yesterday's Richmond Times-Dispatch.

Mr. Howell, a candidate for the
Democratic nomination for governor,
made public his position paper
on campus disorders and university
administration at a news conference
before the Old Dominion Political
and Science Club.

In this paper he proposed two
immediate changes within colleges
and universities as the initial steps
"toward creating a reasonable dialogue"
among the various elements in
Virginia's academic community.

Mr. Howell suggested that students
and faculty have a voice in
the selection of each institution's
chief administrative officer, either
through representation or through
screening committees. He also proposed
there be student-faculty
representation on the board of
Virginia colleges.

"It is imperative not only to
encourage student and faculty participation
in university decision making
but to actually provide the
mechanics of such participation,"
Mr. Howell said. He added he
believed representation on boards
of visitors "is one definite way to
accomplish this," according to the
Times-Dispatch article.

Also, he said he felt students
"should have membership on standing
college and university committees,
along with faculty members,
and at the 'campus-roots' level,
departments should encourage their
majors to participate in departmental

Young Virginians will no longer
accept a passive role, Mr. Howell
said, "If, however, we are going to
insist that they operate within the
democratic system to achieve
change, then we must be certain
that the system is made responsive
to change."