University of Virginia Library

New Rights
Head Talks
At Forum

Jack Greenberg will appear Monday
night, May 5, at 8 in the New
Chemistry Building Auditorium to
speak on "Perspectives in Civil

Mr. Greenberg is the successor
to Thurgood Marshall as Director-Counsel
of the NAACP Legal
Defense and Educational Fund, the
legal arm of the entire civil rights

Mr. Greenberg joined the now
U.S. Supreme Court Justice,
Marshall in presenting to the Court
the precedent-shattering school integration
suits which led to the
Brown vs. Board of Education
decision in 1954. In 1966 the LDF
represented more than 13,000 individuals.

He also authored Race Relations
and American Law, a definitive
treatment of the nation's number
one domestic problem and selected
to be in the basic White House

The event is sponsored by the
Student Legal Forum of the University
Law School. The public is
invited to attend.