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Raven Society Picks Members;
Cites Altaffer, Rogers, Cooper

By Charles Calhoun
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Honor Committee Chairman
Larry Altaffer, Rector of the
University Frank Rogers, and government
professor Weldon Cooper
have been selected for the 1969
Raven Awards, the Raven Society
announced yesterday.

In addition, three alumni and 41
students have been elected into
membership in the Society, designed
to honor those members of the
University community who combine
academic excellence with public

In other business at the
Society's spring election meeting
last week, Frederick L. Greene, a
third-year medical student, was
elected president for the coming

Mr. Altaffer, a fourth-year College
student from Warsaw, Virginia,
has served this year as chairman of
the Honor committee and was
particularly cited for his role in
helping to keep the Honor System
viable during a time of change at
the University.

Mr. Rogers, a nationally known
attorney from Roanoke, has been
Rector of the University since
1966. He took his B.A. here in
1912 and his LL.B. in 1914.

Mr. Cooper, secretary of the
Board of Visitors for the past 11
years, is director of the Institute of
Government, editor of the University
Newsletter, and an expert on
state and local government.

Elected to membership from the
alumni were George Palmer, a
Charlottesville banker, civic leader
and past president of the Alumni
Association; Michael Wagenheim, a
Norfolk attorney and president of
the Law School Association, and
Leigh Middleditch, a Charlottesville
attorney who is legal adviser to the

Elected from the College were
Jackson Lears, Don Bellomy, Perry
Epes, Kevin Twomey, Robert Rosen,
and John Cody, all fourth-year
men, and Everell Doffermyre,
Michael Erwin, Doug Hixson, Rod
MacDonald, Rucker McCarty, Chris
Thaiss and Al Sinesky, third-year

Medicine: William Cooper.

Commerce: Richard Wheeler.

Graduate Business: James Perkins.

Law: Leo Kayser, Harry Kneedler,
Gerard Mitchell Craig Norville,
William Noell, John Ashton, John
Edwards, Langhorne Keith, David
Lott, Robert McCaw, Jack McKay,
Mark Spooner, and John Humphrey.

Architecture: Joseph Carbonell,
Burton Williams, James Boniface,
and Ferdinand Johns.

Engineering: Robert Skinner,
Jesse Ring, Rodney Owen, and
Larry Whitehurst.

Graduate Arts and Sciences:
Joseph Rudolph, John Casteen,
William Crawley, and Michael