University of Virginia Library

Glee Club Presents
Romantic 'Seasons'

By Rick Pearson
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

As the Sesquicentennial year of
1969 approaches spring, the University
Glee Club teams up Friday
night with the Mary Baldwin
College Choir to present one of the
highlights of the Sesquicentennial
program, Joseph Haydn's sprightly
oratorio entitled "The Seasons," at
8:30 in Cabell Hall Auditorium.

A representative of the Glee
Club has described the topics of the
presentation as "the birds and the
bees, the crickets and the frogs, the
blare of hunting horns, the drone of
bagpipes, the taste of good wine,
and the touch of sweet lips: nature,
warm and earthy."

Symphony Supports

Donald Loach will conduct the
activities of his Glee Club and will
be supported by the University
Orchestra and members of the
Richmond Symphony.

The program will be a highly
romanticized interpretation of the
temptations, celebrations, and
attractions of springtime, around
the world and throughout history.

Members of the Glee Club will
portray farmers, hunters, revelers,
and lovers, surrounded by members
of the Mary Baldwin Choir, expressing
their emotions in the songs of

The principal vocal roles are
those of Lucas, Simon, and Jane,
which will be sung by William Cale,
John Roberts, and Janet Stewart,
respectively; all singers are described as
being of "professional calibre."

Fine Baritone

"Mr. Cale," the Glee Club
representative said, "possesses the
rich baritone voice heard at the
Glee Club's oratorio concert last
year and is one of the finest young
baritones in the state. Mr. Roberts
is well known for his song recitals
and his performance in the Oratorio
Society's "Messiah."

Mrs. Stewart, a soprano, has had
considerable experience in operatic
roles throughout the nation, winning
the Rocky Mountain regional
Metropolitan Opera auditions and
the southeastern regional auditions
as Singer of the Year.

Tickets for "The Seasons" are
available at Newcomb Hall, Mincer's,
Hi-Fi House, and at the door.