University of Virginia Library

Raven Society Adds
22 New Members
In Recent Elections

Three members of the faculty
and 19 students were selected for
membership by the Raven Society
in elections held last Thursday

Faculty members honored by
the organization were: John
Graham, associate professor of
speech and assistant Dean of the
College; Robert J. Harris, professor
of government and former Dean of
the Faculty; and Theodore Keats,
Chairman of the Department of
Radiology in the medical school.

Fourth-year men Hal Collums,
Jim Creekman, Chip Grange, Don
Lewis, Dave Liverett, Randy Ross,
and third-year men Ron Cass, Bob
Fisher, and Paul Hurdle were
selected from the College.

Students chosen from the engineering
school were fifth-year
men Kenneth Clem, Edward Hardy,
Frederick Hoybach, and fourth-year
men James McDaniel and George

Architecture school students
fifth-year man John Ruble and
fourth-year man Yale Garbini were

From the medical school
fourth-year man Gerald DeWitt and
third-year men Eugene Quidlen and
James Sipes were selected by the

The Raven Society is a University
organization which honors
students, faculty, and alumni.
Along with Phi Beta Kappa and
Omicron Delta Kappa, being
selected as a member of the Raven
Society is one of the greatest
honors a University student can

Founded in 1904, the Raven
Society rewards persons for service
to the University, and provides an
informal forum for teachers and
students to exchange ideas. Individuals
are selected on the basis of
intellectual achievement, distinction
in University activities, and
promise of future service to the

The Society is named after
Edgar Allan Poe's poem, "The
Raven." Writing a parody of this
poem is a requirement for initiation.

The elections held Thursday
were postponed from last fall. More
new members from the faculty and
all schools of the University will
be elected this spring.