University of Virginia Library

First-Year Committee
Plans Resident Board

By Tom Jenks
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Although the First-Year
Committee did not act last night to
create a Residence Council to make
and govern parietal rules for the
first- year class, a draft of a
constitution for such a body has
been drawn up by a sub-committee
of the First-Year Committee.

The proposed constitution will
empower the First-Year
Committee to make and issue
regulations governing all activities
of the first-year class and will
further establish a First-Year
Residence Council as a judicial
body that will try all violations of
the rules made by the First-Year
Committee and enforce in all other
ways those same rules.

Membership of the First-Year
Residence Council will consist four
dormitory counselors selected by
the Executive Committee of
Counselors, one first-year
representative elected from each
first-year dormitory, and one
representative from the First-Year
Committee of the Student Council.

If the First-Year Committee
approves this constitution, it will
then need to be approved by the
Student Council, the Executive
Committee of Counselors, and the
Office of the President of the

As of now, until the proposed
constitution or some other
constitution that will establish
some type of first-year residence
council is approved by the
appropriate bodies, no rules for
visitation on the first-year
dormitories (like the ones that were
in effect over the Midwinters
Weekend) can exist.

Although there were no
reported violations of the visitation
hours during Midwinters Weekend,
these hours cannot continue to be
in effect until there is an organized
body to which the authority can be
delegated to issue and enforce rules
for these hours.

A petition drawn up by an ad
hoc committee to improve the
first-year education program was
brought to the First-Year
Committee last night by Student
Councilman Bud Ogle. Mr. Ogle
asked that the First-Year
Committee endorse the petition
and circulate it in the first-year
dormitories, stating that "he
thought that since the matter was
mainly of concern to first-year men
that a greater percentage of
signatures could be achieved from
the first-year class than if the
petition was circulated throughout
the whole student body."

The committee unanimously
approved the petition and promised
to have the petitions back to Mr.
Ogle by the next meeting of the
committee. Details of the contents
of Mr. Ogle's petition will be
released after the time of that