University of Virginia Library

Faculty To Lecture
Recruitment Officers

Recruitment officers will hear a
series of talks by faculty members
of the graduate business school
concerning the type of work done
at the business school, the
admission procedure and the type
of student sought by the school.

Faculty members will attempt
to provide the counselors with
guidelines for recommending specific
graduate schools to the student.

Placement officers will be
briefed on the case method of
instruction used at the University's
business school and will observe
classes at the school. In addition,
they will meet students enrolled in
the business school who are alumni
of the schools they represent.

Colleges and universities
represented in the seminar include
Clemson University, Davidson
College, Duke University, Furman
University, Georgia Institute of
Technology, Hampden-Sydney
College, Howard University,
University of North Carolina, N.C.
State University, University of the
South, Vanderbilt University,
Virginia Military Institute, Virginia
Polytechnic Institute, Virginia State
College, Virginia Union University,
University of Virginia and
Washington and Lee University.

Placement officers representing
17 Southern colleges and
universities are attending a special
seminar this week sponsored by the
University's Graduate School of
Business Administration.