University of Virginia Library

National Security Agency
Gives Professional Test

A Professional Qualification
Test will be administered at the
University on December 7 by the
National Security Agency, a
highly-placed civilian department of
the federal government.

According to the release from
the NSA Director at Fort Meade,
Maryland, "college graduates with
majors from many liberal arts fields
can be utilized by the NSA. Any
U.S. citizen and holder of or candidate
for at least a bachelor's degree
by February, 1970 is eligible to take
the test."

The release goes on,
"Engineering and mathematics
applicants need not take the PQT,
but should contact the (NSA)
Placement Director for an
appointment with a visiting (NSA)
representative. Because of the
sensitive nature of NSA operations,
all applicants for employment are
subject to a through background

Mr. Roy T. Huntington, Assistant
to the Registrar, stated that
the test has been given here on the
Grounds for the past few years as a
matter of convenience to interested
students. From twenty to forty
applicants are expected to participate
in this year's test, which will
last about four hours.