University of Virginia Library

New Group Sponsors Discussion

'Gripe In' To Open University Forum

A student-faculty "Gripe-In"
will be held tomorrow at 8 p.m.
in Maury Hall auditorium by the
newly organized University Forum.

At this meeting, "any member
of the University community will
be able to express any opinions
he might have about any aspect
of University life."

Don Bellomy, chairman of the
interim Steering Committee of
the organization, said that the
University Forum should operate
on two levels.

The first level will consist of
meetings, open to all students,
which will coordinate student-faculty
discussion on such issues
as co-education or the honor

On the second level the Forum
will hold regular committee meetings,
open only to members,
which will investigate various aspects
of the University and will
publish periodical reports on their

The constitution of this organization
declares that it "shall
offer to faculty and students
alike an arena for the style of
communication which we conceive
to be the cornerstone of
Mr. Jefferson's vision of a community
of scholars."

"The purpose of the Forum
shall be to promote a dialogue
among the members of the faculty
and the student body of the

The constitution further states
that "our common goal of a
University imbued with a spirit
of creative experiment, traditional
ideals, and academic excellence
may best be served through
a continuing process of self-examination
and debate."

"The Steering Committee shall
function to call meetings of the
Forum, appoint committees and
committee chairmen, receive
committee reports and make initial
evaluations of their findings,
and at all times seek out and
suggest areas where the unique
potential of the University Forum
might best militate toward
the enrichment of University

This constitution has already
been approved by the Student
Council and will be ratified by
the members of this organization
at tomorrow's meeting.

Some of the faculty members
who have offered their services
in committees are David Harned,
chairman of the Religion Department,
Francis Hart, of the
English Department, and Avery
Catlin, professor of materials
science of the Engineering